首页 > 文学小说|STF斯坦福韩同学《The Catcher in the Hell》此篇为全英小说,建议对英语有兴趣的小伙伴一定要阅读

文学小说|STF斯坦福韩同学《The Catcher in the Hell》此篇为全英小说,建议对英语有兴趣的小伙伴一定要阅读

文学小说|STF斯坦福韩同学《The Catcher in the Hell》此篇为全英小说,建议对英语有兴趣的小伙伴一定要阅读





I am the catcher in the hell, dressed as a beggar, acted as a lawyer.

I do see many people living on the world of men, between the heaven and the hell. Some of them, like the dignitary and the royal, always wear a suit and tie. They reside within the upper class of this world, respected by people. Others, like waiters and shop assistants, serve people with a flattering face, but only do they get a little paid back. Those so-called "superiors" are likely to end up in Heaven after they died. And I need to admit to those people, the poor and the deserted.

I do hate them because when they precipitate to Hell, they might ruin my dress with mud, blood or sweat. It is no exaggeration to say that they compel me to change my clothes 24 times a day. I am eager to change the seat with the cater in Hell, but the moment I visit Hell, he will hold his nose at the stink. So do the upper-class people. “You just like the loaches rolling in the money!” I spit it out after walk out. I can also hear the satirical laughter behind me.

I do even hate the people surrounding with me. At lunch time, I let them eat the boots I have taken off, drink the soapy water I have washed my dresses. On the other side do I sit with my legs lying on one of the poor people’s back. There are also four people serving me the tea. My servants are chosen selectively, but simply do I think they have a cool and neat appearance relatively. I am observing all this with calm and peace. I think the way I treat them is they deserve. But I am getting more and more anxious and manic. I'm coming to the end of my patience with the increasing temperature.

I do be tired of my life. I want to find something interesting. I converge them and allow them telling one of the most impressive experiences. Everyone are vying to speak. Then things really get out of my hand. “Couldn’t you please try to be quiet for a while? You are driving me crazy! That is the last straw!” I scream. Perhaps they are afraid about going hungry for a week, which I usually do. Gasps can be heard throughout the field at once. Some are stunned in silence, some frozen in fear. I am content with such condition. I motion them for continue one after another.
A man with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard break the ice and take the first step.

“I had been painting in the workshop for several years. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with leukemia. In my dying days, I wanted to work to get more wages, but my wife and son did everything they could to stop it. They sat on the bedside, wiping the dust off, and open the album. My wife kept up a continuous chatter, skipping from one subject to the next in order to make me laugh. My son just lay beside her, giving his mum a cap of water at times. They always wore a smile on their face until I died. I even thought I was the happiest people in the world at that time.

I even doubted whether I was ill because I was quite happy those days.” I am so fascinating that I do not notice when the tears from his eyes of outflow, slide.

I do know there is another part of those people—pore, sincere, and good-hearted. I do know even such a humble person have the best personality in human nature. That night, I use magic to let them have a great big dinner. The night is agreeable and balmy, especially.

The next day, I go to the heaven for a visit. I see people are scrambling for the great delicacy. I notice the relationship between people are inconsistent and defending. I observe some of them may lash out at others because of a piece of thumb-nail sized biscuit. I can’t stand it anymore.

I go to the god to pick a bone with him. After saying what I saw, I hear him let out a heavy sigh. “The level of people should be based on the good personality, not irrelevant to money or occupation.” He says. Then he waves his big hand to let those good people live in heaven, those bad in hell. I quietly watch everything in my sight. Suddenly, the god turns around and says, ”I’d like you go to the heaven as the catcher.” I don’t refuse, because I know I really do love there.

On the way to the heaven, I see the previous cater in the hell. I don’t laugh at him, just clapping his back and saying, “Be kind to everyone you meet.” He stands riveted to the spot.

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